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Converting Worlds

To be able to load a world with SWP, you have to convert it to the SRF.

Using the in-game command

  1. Place your world inside your server's root directory.
  2. Make sure the world is unloaded. Loaded worlds cannot be converted.
  3. Run the command /swp import <your-world-folder> <data-source> [new-world-name]. If you want the world to have the same name as the world folder, simply ignore the [new-world-name] argument.
  4. Done! The world is now inside the data source you've provided.

Using the standalone importer tool

  1. Download the latest version of the importer tool (download links will be added later).
  2. Run the tool with the command:
    java -jar asp-importer.jar <path-to-world-folder> [--accept] [--print-error]
  3. Done! The world is now saved as a .slime world inside the same folder as the importer tool.